
E-Flow utilizes the expertise and achievements acquired from Kansai Electric Power's VPP business to efficiently operate various customer facilities based on their unique characteristics.

Virtual Power Plant

We aggregate various distributed resources owned by customers and utilize them in terms of supply capacity, balancing power, and kWh transactions.

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Business Overview

By aggregating customer resources, we generate electricity value on par with power plants and distribute it to the market.

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Learn more about the business overview and social significance of VPP which has become important with the expansion of renewable energy adoption.

A Virtual Power Plant (VPP) is a system that connects and controls energy resources, such as production facilities, self-generation systems, battery storage, and electric vehicles (EVs), owned by businesses, municipalities, and other entities, distributed throughout a region. By utilizing Internet of Things (IoT) technology, a VPP operates as if it were a single power plant. Demand Response (DR), which involves reducing electricity demand, is a key component of VPPs and is particularly valuable during periods of high strain on the power supply.

E-Flow participates in the VPP business as an aggregator, responsible for monitoring and controlling these energy resources collectively.

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Why VPP is Necessary

In 2011, during the Great East Japan Earthquake, there was a severe strain on the electricity supply, leading to planned power outages. This event prompted a reassessment of the reliance on large-scale power plants alone for balancing supply and demand.

Fruthermore, the rising emphasis on decarbonization in recent years has led to the widespread adoption of renewable energy. However, the generation of renewable energy is susceptible to variables such as sunlight intensity and wind strength, posing challenges for maintaining a consistent power supply.

In light of these challenges, there is a growing expectation for VPPs that leverage resources on the demand side, in addition to the traditional supply-side efforts.

Energy Resources and Control Methods

In a VPP, an aggregator acts as a control center, responsible for the comprehensive management and control of energy resources, ensuring the balance of power supply and demand.

During times of high electricity demand, the aggregator in a VPP directs the reduction of operation for demand devices across different locations and the discharge of energy from storage systems. Conversely, in periods of surplus electricity, the aggregator promotes the operation of demand devices and the charging of storage systems. These actions are aimed at achieving an optimal balance by considering the size and specific attributes of each energy resource.

Methods used for controlling power supply and demand include demand response (DR) and reverse power flow (selling electricity).

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What's Demand Response (DR)?

Refers to adjusting the electricity usage by controlling customer facilities in order to maintain a balance between electricity demand and supply.

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What's Reverse Power Flow (selling electricity)?

In general, the term reverse power flow or surplus power export refers to the process of supplying excess electricity generated from customer facilities or solar power plants designed for full-scale power sales back to the power grid. If utilizing self-generation facilities or waste power generation facilities and engaging in reverse power flow, it is also possible to participate in a VPP and utilize the electricity generated through reverse power flow.

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Contributions of VPP

Effective utilization and widespread adoption of renewable energy

Renewable energy sources such as solar power and wind power generate electricity that varies depending on factors like sunlight intensity and wind strength. As a result, it is necessary to utilize power sources such as thermal power generation that can adjust the output to maintain the supply-demand balance. By further leveraging the capabilities of VPP to adjust the balance of electricity supply and demand, it becomes possible to contribute to the wider adoption of renewable energy.



Service Implementation Process

The flow of service implementation is as follows. Please feel free to contact us for more detailed information.

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Customer Benefits

By participating in the VPP business, customers can enjoy benefits such as earning rewards, zero cost burden, and contributing to the local community.

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Merit 01
Enhancement of customer facility value

You can earn rewards by utilizing existing facilities in the electricity market.

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Zero cost burden!

There is generally no customer burden to participate in DR.

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Merit 03
Support system

We will provide a visualization system at our expense. You will be able to monitor the DR status in real-time.

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Merit 04
No renovation of customer facilities is required

You can participate in DR using your current customer facilities as they are.

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Merit 05
Efforts towards social contribution

By participating in DR, you can contribute to society, such as alleviating the strain on power supply and demand.



Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers for your reference.

Is there any cost burden associated with using the "K-VIPs+" system, which incorporates various features?

We will provide the gateway device for connecting to the K-VIPs+ system free of charge, so there will be no cost burden on the customers for that. However, customers are responsible for providing the commercial power supply (100V) to connect the gateway device, as well as the necessary equipment (such as a computer, tablet, smartphone) to view the interface, and an internet connection.

Do I need to contract with a specific retail electricity provider in order to enter into E-Flow and demand response transactions?

You can contract with any retail electricity provider of your choice, so feel free to consult with us with any concerns.

If I receive a Demand Response notification from E-Flow, what specific actions should I take?

After receiving our notification (usually 3 hours prior to the start), please activate the pre-contracted demand response facilities or equipment and keep them controlled for a period of 3 hours. (Please note that you may be requested to participate in demand response up to a maximum of 12 times per year.)

What happens if E-Flow actually contacts me and I am unable to provide a demand response as contracted?

If you are unable to provide demand response as contracted, there may be a reduction in the compensation paid to you. Therefore, we carefully analyze your facilities and their operational conditions to propose a demand response plan that is feasible and realistic for you.

How much compensation can I receive?

The amount of compensation varies depending on factors such as the participation year, the capacity offered by the customer, and the method of supply. We will provide you with detailed information separately.

Battery Energy
Storage System

We will handle the daily market bidding, plan submissions, and other activities on behalf of customers for their grid-connected battery.

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Business Overview

We operate the grid-connected battery owned by the customer and engage in market transactions.

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Service Implementation Process

The flow of service implementation is as follows. Please feel free to contact us for more detailed information.

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Customer Benefits

By implementing Battery Energy Storage System, customers can benefit from advantages such as optimized operation using AI and stable revenue generation.

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Merit 01
Optimal operation using
AI system

We achieve optimal operation through AI that has learned from abundant power market data and the latest knowledge of regulations and systems.

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Stable income

We aim to increase profits by engaging in diversified trading across multiple markets, mitigating market volatility risks.

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Merit 03
Handling of market transactions

AI creates operational plans and provides full package support, including market bidding and plan submission.

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Merit 04
Operational results report

We will provide regular reports on the market operation results of the battery storage.


Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers for your reference.

Can I consult about operations even during the consideration stage of the battery storage business?

Of course, we would be happy to discuss it with you. Drawing on our experience in implementing the Kinokawa Battery Storage Facility project and our expertise as an aggregator, we can provide assistance and advice on the operation of Battery Energy Storage System.

What kind of battery storage systems are eligible for outsourcing the operation?

We will consider the optimal operation based on your specific battery storage system. However, please note that there is a possibility that the operation system may not be compatible with certain systems. Please contact us for further inquiries.

Can the operator specify the market and bidding volume for market operation?

We will discuss and determine the overall operational guidelines, such as participating markets, in consultation with the customer. Based on these operational guidelines, we will combine AI-based bidding allocation calculations with the operator's judgment to carry out day-to-day operations.

Renewable Energy

We will handle the daily market bidding, plan submissions, and other activities on behalf of customers who own renewable energy generation facilities.

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Business Overview

We operate and trade renewable energy sources, such as solar, and wind power generation facilities, owned by our customers in the market, including wholesale transactions.

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Service Implementation Process

The flow of service implementation is as follows. Please feel free to contact us for more detailed information.

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Customer Benefits

By introducing Renewable Energy Aggregation, you can benefit from various operations without the hassle of bidding, allowing for more diverse and flexible management.

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Merit 01
Leave the market trading

We provide a package solution for daily power generation forecasting, market bidding, plan submission, and more.

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No need to worry about imbalances

We take on the imbalance risk of renewable energy, which experiences fluctuations in power generation due to natural conditions.

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Merit 03
Flexible operation capabilities

We can accommodate a wide range of operations that align with customer preferences, including market sales and corporate PPA.

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Merit 04
Efforts towards social contribution

We will further support the expansion of renewable energy adoption.


Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers for your reference.

What are the eligible resources?

We provide services targeting solar power generation. As for wind power generation, we have plans to offer services in the future, but the actual start date of operations is yet to be determined. However, we are open to discussions and consultations in advance.

Is the operation of Corporate PPA also included in the scope of your services?

We are open to discussing the operation of Corporate PPA for power generation BG. However, please note that we do not handle demand BG (retail) at this time.