
Over a decade has passed since the launch of Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) utilizing distributed energy resources, and during that time, the energy landscape has undergone significant changes.

In the wake of rapid expansion of renewable energy, the decline of thermal power sources, and the growing deployment of controllable distributed energy resources driven by advancements in IoT technology, the envisioned societal landscape we envision is one characterized by distributed energy resources and diversified service offerings, forming an interconnected world.

In order to "connect" and "circulate" the dispersed energy resources in this future world, and to "deliver" them to those who need them, we have established E-Flow.

Various facilities used by households and businesses, expanding renewable energy, and decentralized energy resources such as storage batteries. E-Flow combines and operates these resources optimally to contribute to achieving carbon neutrality and ensuring stable power supply, accompanying everyone on the journey towards a new world of energy.

Why we name our company as “E-Flow”?

Energy has the ability to support our daily lives and industries by flowing to the right place at the right time. Based on this concept of "flow,"
we chose it as the core concept behind our company name.
Furthermore, we have visualized our tagline "Connect, Circulate, Deliver"
and expressed it through our logo mark.


E-Flow serves as a service infrastructure that connects various resources interactively and delivers energy to the necessary locations, creating new value beyond the conventional electricity business boundaries together with our customers.



E-Flow is the first company in Japan specialized in harnessing the value of electricity derived from various distributed resources spread across the country. Through its distributed service platform, it contributes to achieving the goal of zero carbon emissions and stabilizing power supply and demand.


Company Overview

Company name E-Flow合同会社 E-Flow LLC
Establishment April 3, 2023
Representative President Kawaguchi Koichi
Address 4F, Kanden-Fudosan-Koraibashi-Bldg.
3-1-6 Koraibashi, Chuo-ku Osaka 541-0043, Japan
Main business
  • VPP business utilizing demand-side resources
  • Market trading of battery energy storage system
  • Renewable energy aggregation business
Registered capital 30 million yen
Capital structure Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. 100%
Access 4 minutes on foot from Yodoyabashi Station on the Osaka Metro Midosuji Line and Keihan Main Line.
4 minutes on foot from Kitahama Station on the Osaka Metro Sakaisuji Line and Keihan Main Line.